Sport and fitness
Sport and fitness
The Recovery Cabin stimulates recovery capacity, increases oxygen levels in the blood and, with its unique Far Infrared Radiation (FIR), makes connective tissue flexible and supple. This improves communication between the body's cells, which has a beneficial effect on the body's metabolism.
The ionising effect initiated by the Recovery Cabin causes oxygen uptake to increase. The healthier the cells, the more oxygen they can store the better the fitness of body and mind becomes.
In some cases, people cannot do without sport. One cause may be underlying chronic inflammation. By exercising frequently in those situations, you create a fever to address these inflammations. Excessive exercise can cause injuries. In addition, a dependency on sports is created. Sport becomes addictive and unconsciously seen as a cure for inflammation and imbalance.
An athlete's constitution makes him exercise more.
In the same situation, a person with different character traits, someone more stuck in themselves, with fixed beliefs, may respond to the addictive (escape) pattern by eating more.
In the same situation, a person with different character traits, someone more stuck in themselves, with fixed beliefs, may respond to the addictive (escape) pattern by eating more.
Condition enhancing
Foot reflexology
Mental fitness
For oedema and circulatory disorders of the legs ( e.g. varicose veins )
Optimal breathing
For muscle and joint injuries
Ensures smooth muscles
Stimulate red blood platelet production
Optimise metabolism
Increase self-confidence
Weight loss assistance
Promote recovery after illness
Prevention before a medical procedure
Quicker passage to action
Faster recovery after exercise
Against restless and cold legs, psoas muscle
For pain in joints and bones of lower extremity (micro circulation)
Normalise metabolism, lose weight or diabetes
In case of scar tissue in legs, hips and knees
Perseverance and stamina increase
Promotes symmetrical posture
Promotes physical balance
Eye - hand coordination improves
Promotes more purposeful action and expression
Flexibility and creativity in situations is increased
Refinement of motor system
Sweat pattern changes
For problems with ankle ligaments, knee, foot and hip including wear and tear
Faster recovery after exercise
Promotes even muscle building
When feeling powerless
With flight behaviour
Addiction sensitivity

additional information
Who is this programme suitable for?
For people who want to recover from a sports injury or physical surgery. It is also a good program to build up fitness for a sports performance, before surgery.
For which complaints and symptoms do I choose this programme?
In muscle and joint injuries, In problems with ankle ligaments, knee, foot and hip including wear and tear. At scar tissue legs, hips and knees
Treatment exceptions and when using drugs
You should not receive treatment in cases of severe cardiac arrhythmia, pregnancy, epilepsy, kidney failure and with electronic implants such as pacemakers.
When using medication, you must always indicate this to us.
Do I have to undress in the cabin?
Hygiene of the cabin
How long does a treatment last?
Is reimbursement by health insurance possible ?
What payment methods are there?
Deepening and interesting facts
Regularly interesting blogs are posted.
A few examples are,
Histamine intolerantie,
Hoe gezonde darmen jouw energieker maken
De menstruele cyclus is een ontgifting van het vrouwelijke lichaam