Recovery Cabin

Are you looking for

Are you looking for an energy boost? Increase your fitness? Delay of aging symptoms? Recovery after physical or mental exertion? Relaxation in a better way in any area?


Do you suffer from

Concentration disorders? Insomnia? Hormone changes? Temperature variations? Too much liquid inflammation? Shortness of breath, even without heavy exercise? Troubled skin? Too much thinking? Benauwdheid, ook zonder zware inspanning? Onrustige huid? Overdenken? 

The Recovery Cabin is aimed at recovering the body and mind.

It offers a wonderfully relaxing wellness experience with a deep and natural restorative effect.

The Recovery Cabin offers to reset the natural warmth for young and old.


Recovery Cabin ontspannen leven


Everyone who has sessions within the Recovery Cabin, experience this as very relaxing. We can point out many factors, but the most important factor is resetting our constant core temperature, also called “homeothermic” .

Relaxation is necessary to feel free and live freely. The Recovery Cabin gives you that freedom. Experiencing proper inner peace is necessary to be pleasantly attuned to your environment. This relief leads to efficient behavior. Inner peace is deep relaxing sleep, inner clarity and creativity. Inner peace also ensures you to have biological rhythm and stability. This relief ensures that you build up physical reserves and communicate more directly.

Recovery cabin



Important detoxifying organ functions are stimulated. The Recovery Cabin reduces (chronic) inflammation, (chronic) pain and increases resistance and metabolism. A toxic load can lead to the above symptoms and inconveniences. 


For a naturally radiant and healthier skin and delaying the signs of aging through better blood circulation in the skin layers. Experience the feeling of inner peace and harmony.

Ervaar het gevoel van innerlijke rust en harmonie.


Better focus, increased concentration, realization of success by working intuitively? When needed the success and focus program is for you.

Balanced and clear thinking, setting priorities and taking the following necessary steps. This is how your dream or ideas become your reality. 



Children are sensitive to energy. In children there is little separation between emotions and the mental and physical levels.

To create order, a child needs outside help. The Recovery Cabin for children can assist to offer the solution.  


The immune system is strengthened, making you feel stronger and more energetic. The immune system is our defense system. When the immune system functions optimally, we are less open to getting sick.  


For overall body improvement regarding fitness, recovery or preparation for heavy exercise; the Recovery Cabin offers special programs for athletes. This program is also used to stimulate metabolism and thus support your natural weight.



Prevention is better than cure….

Structurally make time for yourself. Make sure you take your body and mind seriously and schedule time for this. Reflect on emotions and events. Give everything a place and experience freedom.


Do you want to feel good about yourself and live a relaxed life? With the Recovery Cabin you arrive at your 'true self'; both physically and mentally. Take it without obligation for more information. contact op voor een meer informatie.

Curious about the prices?

12 months subscription

Would you like to use the Recovery Cabin more often? For example once a month? Of course that is possible; A subscription with a special price has been created for this purpose. You can enter the Recovery Cabin once every month for a period of one year and you only pay for 10 months. Make contact for more information and read all here reviews.

For young & old

The Recovery Cabin is aimed at anyone who finds recovery and improvement of the body and mind important. View our programs.

Elderly people need more heat because they can no longer generate it sufficiently themselves in a natural way.. The Recovery Cabin increasesthe core temperature of the body through Far-Infrared radiant heat.  

Recovery Cabin
Hoe werkt de Recovery Cabin?

How does the Recovery cabin work?

The ionizing FAR-Infrared technology used in the Recovery Cabin is a patented, award-winning unique technology and has not previously been used in the medical and wellness industry.

There is a large body of scientific evidence and observations that heat therapies and heating are good for health. This makes the Recovery Cabin suitable for many purposes. 

Whether it concerns a detox treatment, energy boost, increasing fitness in general form, recovery after exercise or preventive maintenance of your well-being; the Recovery Cabin offers an in-depth action in these areas.

The Recovery Cabin promotes cell renewal, provides a clear mind and therefore an overview, removal of toxic substances, restoration of your body symmetry and biological rhythm, you sleep deeper, your feeling of fatigue disappears and the blood supply to all organs and tissues is stimulated. Also natural weight changes occur. These are some examples of experiences with the Recovery Cabin.

Read more here articles or view the programs.

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