With the Recovery Cabin, you come back to 'you'. This by following a programme that suits you. It could be that you use this preventively or target a particular pain condition, or something you want to get rid of. 

The Recovery Cabin is an infrared cabin that you lie in up to just above your knees. You choose, in consultation or not, the programme that suits you. A programme consists of five sessions

Get to know the venue in Meer | Zundert. You can contact the venue directly for more information or to book or you can book online. Would you like to get in touch first to see if Recovery Cabin can help you further? Of course that is possible. 


Recovery Cabin
Recovery Cabin lichaamsanalyse
Recovery Cabin Ontspanning


Recovery Cabin contactformulier Meer

1 + 5 =

Marian Locatie Zundert Recovery Cabin

Brigitte Broers

Name: Brigitte Broers
Company: : www.bbmeer.be

  • Sports care & massage
  • First aid
  • Aromatherapy
  • Instructor baby massage


I have had my own massage practice at home since 2015. Over the years, I have come to specialise in various massage/treatment techniques, which I often combine in my treatments. Furthermore, I make my massage oils myself with various quality fatty plant oils and add essential oils as needed.

By using the Recovery Cab myself, I have come to the conclusion that it can add value to the overall well-being of body and mind.


  • Connective tissue massage
  • Cupping therapy
  • Dorn & Breuss technique
  • First aid workshops
  • Natural skin care workshop

Location Meer

Adres Wildertstraat 11 a
4884 MX Wernhout (Gemeente Zundert)
E-mail: brigittebroers@outlook.com

Phone number

Call or WhatsApp to:
+32 479 34 18 49
To make an appointment or for more information. 

Opening hours

Maandag        09.00 – 20.00 uur

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